Friday, February 5, 2010

Yippee Skippee..........

It's here, it's here it's finally here!!!!
I am sooooo excited to announce the launch of my website!!
After a LOT of work, many late evenings locked away in my office, hundreds of phone calls & emails to my sissie's for advice {ok maybe not hundreds, but A LOT} and I can't even count how many emails, questions & ideas sent to Jeff {my web master, who also happens to be my BIL} @ Diversified, & I also tortured my husband with questions....well it has all paid off......because Kristy Milton is official.
And it sure is pretty too.
So, head on over here to check it out......
{The Site}
Then head over here.....
{The Blog}
& leave me a comment on what ya think about it :)
For a little incentive, see this pretty little bow.....
Well, this along with other goodies are being given away over at the blog.
So, go over there......right now.
Don't forget to update your bookmarks with the new addresses too, okay okay, I'll stop being so bossy now.
Thanks again to all of you lovelies that helped out during my months of madness!!

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