Monday, February 1, 2010

{Week 5}~ Little Miss A

I saw this photo & I feel in love.
My little girl has been having some trouble getting her little silly out.
She has always been a worrier......but lately we've hit an all time high.
She worries about everything....every single day.
I keep telling her if she doesn't stop it she's going to get an ulcer :)
We were at the duck pond playing & she was being silly trying to hide from my camera.
I love it.
So, here it is Week #5, My Little girl, finding her "inner silly."


  1. Aww that sweet girl. Love her inner silly.

  2. I have a worrier too. So I completely understand what it's like to try and try to help them with it to no avail. This is so sweet and fun and I hope it gets easier for her, my worrier is 9 now and still at it, at full force.

    You are doing so great and you're weekly shots!!! I love them all and what a way to keep up with the kiddos.

  3. Cute! Love inner silly! And OMG - Denise isn't lying - Zoe is a worry wart!!!
