Monday, February 22, 2010

{Week 8} ~ Me & The Love Bug

We actually took a picture :)
Without any kids in it, running around us, pulling on our legs, riding on our backs, you know the drill. in the same photo......
It's rare.
So, Week #8 Just before we left on our date night.
Which got cut short because Little B decided it would be fun to pop his elbow out of the socket. {More on that to come, he's okay, I'll fill you in on all the details, in the next post}
For now this is all you get Week #8..........


  1. Love love love this one!!!! So sweet and cute and lovey!!!

  2. Awwww...sweet love.=)
    Only you can pull off braces and still look so bee-u-ti-ful!
    Sorry about poor Boo...=(
