Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I wouldn't believe it....

if I didn't see it with my very own eyes.
Today little bug took a late nap, normally I would never let him sleep late, because it just isn't worth a crazy.wired.hyper.bouncingoffthewalls.2year old until 10 o'clock at night.....
but, tonight the rule was broken.
So come 8:00 bedtime I was being a lazy Mommy {I was having too much fun surfing the web} so into my bed with a movie the 3 of them went. When Daddy's away it's how we roll, all of us in my bed.
I was on the computer, which the den is in the sitting room off the master, so I kept peeking in.
9:00 Boo down for the count, 9:30 Little Bug IS not in my bed anymore.
I am walking through the house yelling his name, of course I assume, he is getting into something, causing a ruckus, breaking things, torturing the puppy, sneaking food in the pantry....finding trouble, somewhere.
I hear him answering, but I can't find him.....I check his room.....there he was....
It is now 9:45 & he's out like a light :)
Baby boy getting too big, mean mommy for assuming the worst.
Sometimes, okay a lot of the time, they surprise me.


  1. Cute story! Don't you just love when they surprise you with being so sweet?? :)

  2. I do the same thing with my girls when hubby is gone... which means I never get any sleep!! :)

    so cute he is!! lol

  3. So sweet! Isn't it funny that as a Mother with an active toddler, we always think the worst?
